Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Popped by last night -- the demo has made the place almost unrecognizable!

The downstairs is still a haz mat zone until air test (today, I believe).

This photo is looking left toward living room):

this is looking straight ahead down hallway:

Bathroom is gone from front entranceway! (Floors are thrashed, but there's enough hardwood down the basement -- in room that will be demolished -- to replace it.):

Note shower head hanging on left and rotted floor: 

Opening to stairway has been restored:

Looking up stairway where overhanging closet has been removed (skylight will be going in):

On left, hole where Katie's closet used to be (now there will be a railing overlooking the stair well):

Entire ceiling gone in upstairs hallway, revealing quite a tall attic (and no insulation whatsoever):

Bathroom. Pretty much gutted:


Fifi's room:

Katie's room. They were running around screaming with excitement (as is their wont): "Fifi! My closet's gone!" "Demo, Demo, Demo!" Etc.

Parents' bedroom at the back: closets (one from neighbouring room) torn out to be replaced by full wall of closets with sliding doors.

Pics of downstairs demo later.
....I almost forgot that other part of my life: I teach today!


MarthaB said...

These photos are fantastic! I am amazed by all the incredible wood within the structure of the house! Opening up the staircase has made such a difference already! [We also have a skylight over our stairs and yours too will make a huge difference.] Your renovation team is terrific!

trudy said...

Wow! So much has been done and the roof / structure etc etc looks just like ours - even the lack of insulation ; )

Unknown said...

Yes, the build team is terrific! Trudy, I'd love to come and see your place again one of these days....