Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Front-door paint.

Katie and I painted the front door today!

The exterior's not going to be done until next spring (sorry neighbours!), but I've been dying to do something about that ugly door. A bit random when we're in the middle of a huge landscaping project, but Katie decided this morning not to go to gymnastics camp with Fifi and foiled my plans for the day, so I came up with a Plan B that would entertain us while accomplishing something house-wise. It was right up Katie's alley -- she LOVED it!

First we scrubbed. (door before)

... then spackled


...sanded (wearing safety goggles bought on a Florida beach)


    ...and finally painted! 

All before we had to go back and pick up Fifi, after which we went for a nice dip in the pool!

I'll post an "after" picture tomorrow once we've done a second coat.

BTW, Katie didn't do it all by herself. I helped. No, really, I did.

Meantime, the sod (or "turf," Trudy) arrived, but more on that later. 
Must sleep!