Saturday, February 09, 2013

Babysitters Extraordinaire!

Andrew's partner, Dave, and his wife, Dominique (who have three of their own!) took Katie and Fifi for the WHOLE day while Andrew and I went shopping, and then we all had take-out Thai together. So fun! However, I left my camera over there, so no blog pictures tonight.

We seem to have accomplished very little, though we did manage to sort out a few details over lunch (which we actually had together, just the two of us! At Tacofino on Hastings, in case you're interested. Yummy!).

We think we did, however, decide on a dining table. We've been comparing a few, including one we had on hold at Antique Market, and one at Mint Interiors (thank you, lovely Craig, so knowledgeable and helpful!), but actually think we're going to get this one ....from Pottery Barn! Who knew? It's quite gorgeous -- a sturdy family table, plus it extends an extra 18 inches on each end -- a great dinner-party table!

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